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The internet has exploded with tons of sites for us to enjoy. Access to information is invaluable but what if the sites arent created correctly for everyone to enjoy?

Autari has been specifically designed to assist Autistic and Dyslexic users interact with the internet it a totally different way.

Autari will support your accessibility needs and allow you to change a websites design. If videos or images within the page are distracting you can remove them with our bin tool.

If font size choices are to large or to small using our AA tool you can reduce or increase the sizes.

If the choice of background colour or text colours are not suitable use our reader tool to remove background colours and apply blue, yellow or grey overlays over the text to assist with reading the content.

With the standard navigation and search facilities you will find with all other browsers you can quickly and easily use the application for standard browsing and when a particular site becomes a problem use the tools to quickly and efficiently update them to your needs.

The use of tablets for the internet is quickly being adopted dont let poor design effect your experience, let Autari be your companion to enjoy what the internet has to offer without restriction.

Autaris age rating has been adjusted as it allows users access to the internet. The application is suitable for users 4+ but with suitable Parental/Guardian support and guidance.

***Please note the use of BBC News and Wikipedia content within the application preview is used for demonstration purposes only.

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